This is the beginning. Working from a photo, I make a printed version, put dry pigment (raw sienna) on the back, then trace the outline of the face, the nose, the pupils, the hairline.

Starting with the eyes. My father's eyes are bluish-green, so I used aquamarine, white, yellow ocre, raw sienna.

The whites of the eyes are not white. I use a white and aquamarine to make a grey, with a little red ocre around the corners. The red ocre also traces the lids.

After working around the eyes, using fleshtones: white, raw sienna, red ocre and yellow ocre, I mixed in some aquamarine to make the side shadows on the face.

Filling in the center parts. The eyes need more work here.

I spent more time working on the eyes, the nose, the mouth, defining lines with mainly red ocre. Added some white for the highlights on the cheeks.

Filled in the neck, using the same skin tones and red ocre.

The glasses are dark: aquamarine, cassel earth. The smudges in the background are tests of color. I will cover this up later with a dark background

The hair is white, aquamarine and a bit of light brown (raw sienna/white).

The sweater is going to be red, but red is a transparent color, so you paint first in black and white, and then when that dries, paint the red over it.

The background are globs of aquamrine and cassel earth, with whatever other colors are still on the palette.

I will paint the sweater red, next.

This is not done, yet. Here I just painted over the the sweater with a red paint. I still have to work on the face a bit, and add of course the twinkle in his eye, small white dots.

Just added the sparkle in the eyes... I will leave this here as finished. I took the picture in natural light, that is why it looks so different from the last.

Final product.
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